We connect the world’s best brands & nonprofits to drive good activities & more resources for the causes people love.

What is Samarity?

We tap into the passion people have for their favorite charities to create new & exciting ways for brands to support amazing causes, unlocking new activations, insights, and more resources... for good.

Brand Activations

For Good.

We offer a “charity channel” for advertisers and media investors to sponsor amazing causes at scale.

Market Insights

For Good.

We get better insights by partnering with great charities, whose supporters earn donations for responses.

Fan Engagement

For Good.

Samarity Rewards empowers teams & artists to engage their fans to do more good in their local communities.

When our nonprofit partners ask their supporters to take an action that unlocks a donation to the cause…



Samarity In Action:

RBC leveraged Samarity to engage thousands of runners at the 2023 Brooklyn Half Marathon. Everyone who verified their good unlocked a donation to NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)

DOROT, a non-profit that addresses the challenge of an aging population, used Samarity rewards to incentivize over 400 volunteers to complete a post-event feedback survey with free Starbucks coffee.

Samarity partnered with Friends of Morningside Park in Manhattan to recruit individuals to help beautify the park. Everyone who joined earned $30 to Amazon & free apps at a local restaurant!

Do good better today.